Encounter Missions exists to help the nations encounter Jesus. We do this by PARTNERING spiritually and financially with many missionaries and ministries throughout the world. We also SEND teams to them to help strengthen and encourage them.
“…We SENT him to STRENGTHEN you, to ENCOURAGE you in your faith, and to KEEP you from being shaken....”
- 1 Thessalonians 3:2-3 NLT
“…We SENT him to STRENGTHEN you, to ENCOURAGE you in your faith, and to KEEP you from being shaken....”
- 1 Thessalonians 3:2-3 NLT
AFCM INTERNATIONAL - AMAZON RIVER, PERUAFCM’s mission is to evangelize and disciple the nations. We partner with their work specifically in the Amazon region of Peru, through missionaries, Ron and Annette Theissen. They have planted several dozen churches along the Amazon River, and currently, their leaders are continuing to multiply churches throughout the region.
FIRM FOUNDATIONS MISSIONSFirm Foundations Missions was founded by Rodney and Nita Lloyd. They reach out to the people of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which is located in central Africa. In addition to medical missions through Haven of Hope, they also train, encourage and teach pastors and leaders in the area. Rodney and Nita also have spent many years ministering and building up the church in South Africa as well.
HOPE CENTERS INTERNATIONALHope Centers International has a vision of serving the poorest of the poor with compassion. They currently have over 21 “hope centers” in the Philippines and Lithuania. Each Hope Center is managed by a local church and is used to reach out to people in their areas. They typically provide a meal and discipleship program for kids once a week. They always encourage parents, usually moms, to participate in the ministry through food prep and Bible teaching. In some areas they teach mothers how to prepare meals on a zero to low income budget, as well as teaching them about health issues, basic hygiene, and anything to impart tools that will make for a better family life.
NEW LIFE CHILDREN’S HOME - JALACA, HONDURASNew Life Ministries was founded in 1995, in the village of Jalaca, Honduras. They have 50 beautiful acres where they have an orphanage. Their vision is to reinforce, establish and build families, “training up children in the way that they should go.” They express the heart of God the Father to rescue children, reconcile families, and establish His Kingdom in every heart. They train up children and strengthen families to reach their destiny through academic education, Biblical training, practical apprenticeship through self-sufficiency projects and mission outreaches.
NUEVA VIDA - CARIBBEANNueva Vida is a multi-campus church located in the Caribbean. Encounter Missions is heavily invested in helping Nueva Vida reach, disciple and revive their nation! Due to the sensitive nature of this mission, please contact us directly for more information.
ORCHARD MINISTRIES - ZAMBIAOrchard Ministries was founded by Chris and Heidi Kohn. They exist to glorify Jesus by serving the Zambian church and building its capacity for love, leadership, and transformation. They long to see a vast orchard family of churches and individuals rooted deep in the love and life of Jesus, resolute in who He purposed us all to be, resilient even in the face of the worst storms, reaching out to shade and comfort the lost, broken, and scattered, bearing fruit in the nations, for generations… and rising tall, to make Jesus rich with a harvest family!
SHINE THE LIGHT GLOBALShine the Light Global is an international evangelistic ministry launched in 2021 by former Encounter Church missions pastor Felicia Brown. Their vision is to Shine the Light of the gospel in the darkest regions of the earth. They do this by proclaiming the gospel in large evangeltic campaigns, by equipping the local church in evangelism, and by raising up the next generation of evangelists.
SURGE CHURCH PLANTING NETWORKSurge is an international church planting initiative, launched in 2001 by Pastor Larry Stockstill of Bethany Church. Through leadership training, oversight and financial support, Surge is planting underground house churches in hostile regions, small churches in countless villages throughout the world, and even larger strategic churches in big cities. Surge Project has pioneered what may be the most cost-effective and fruitful means of spreading the gospel to all nations. Currently they have planted over 22,000 churches in their 12 different ‘world zones!’ They are constantly seeing new native workers trained and raised up as leaders of integrity who are ready to be sent out into the harvest fields of their nation.